Who We Are

Europa Publishing is a retail and wholesale book publisher, book seller, and book distributor of massage books, healing books and health related books & videos located in the Rocky Mountains of Utah.

Two of the most popular self-help textbooks we offer include: CREATURES OF WATER and JAPANESE FULL BODY SHIATSU.

CREATURES OF WATER; a professional hydrotherapy training & spa therapy training text used at massage schools and other related vocational schools in the United States and Canada. Once known as hydropathy, healing with water can be utilized in rehabilitative clinics and well as for grassroots holistic healing.

JAPANESE FULL BODY SHIATSU; anciently known as ampaku, anma or amma, Japanese Shiatsu is a form or oriental acupressure massage training. This book offers Japanese massage or oriental massage acupressure training for persons interested in shiatsu massage or shiatsu training.

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